Sometimes you have to organize your stuff first

I was inspired by a new show featuring Peter Walsh, the organizational design expert, and I decided to use his method of organization to tackle my desk area. I reasoned that doing this will free up my time because I will no longer have to look for anything. Rather than empty a room as he does on his show Enough Already, I completely emptied my desk and the shelves above.

I am about 85% through the process and I already feel better. Just tackling one section of a room can be a good start. Many organization experts in fact note that clearing out one small junk drawer can start the process of organization throughout the home. It is true. I have since organized all of my CDs and DVDs to fit the space of a tiny box. The room looks less cluttered now.

Getting rid of some of your stuff, and organizing what is left, can help the time organization process. When your home is truly organized or just a piece of it—your pocketbook, your clothes closet, your bookcase, under the kitchen sink—you have less mental clutter that can conceivably rob you of precious minutes. Those minutes add up and on some level help to create the less frenetic and more relaxed life you truly want.