Let’s Hear it for the B

Recent events have really prompted people to take sides on the gay marriage debate, and President Obama vocalized his support. I am a woman married to a man and I too support gay marriage. I am not just an ally. On some level, I feel aligned with the LGBT community. Why? I am a B.

Bisexuality is not about sex. There are many people who have experienced sex with those of the same gender and are not gay or bisexual. And it does not mean you have to constantly be in relationships with both genders. Bisexuality is about being sexually and emotionally attracted to both sexes, where one is capable of having a long-term committed relationship with either a man or a woman. In other words, we can go either way.

Being bisexual is difficult on one hand, and truly exhilarating on the other. When you are bisexual, most people think you are a closeted homosexual, or you just haven’t chosen a side yet. They are waiting for you to resolve the issue, but there is no issue. When you are bisexual, many people do not even know. If you marry, you marry one person so no one knows your status. If you are married to someone of the opposite sex, everyone just assumes you are heterosexual. If you are married to someone of the same gender, they assume you are gay. So, bisexuals are often misunderstood.

But here is the good part. When you are dating, you double your playing field. You get to experience love relationships with both genders. You are certainly not limiting yourself, and you don’t have to figure out who you are. You crush on Blake Lively and Blake Shelton and it doesn’t confuse you and you don’t apologize for it.

So I stand with the LGBT community, because at least they do acknowledge the existence of the B. Like it or not, we do exist amongst you, even though we are largely invisible.